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Chemical reaction and equation

Chemical Reaction and Equation

1.       What is a chemical reaction? Explain with the help of an example.
2.       What is a chemical equation? Explain with the help of an example.
3.       What is a balanced chemical equation? Why should chemical equation be balanced? Explain with the help of an example.
4.       Write a balanced equation for the following reaction :

Pb(NO3)2             --->       PbO2      +             NO2        +             O2
1. What is mean by (A) displacement reaction and (B) double displacement reaction? Explain with the help of one example each.
a.)    Write the equation for the reaction.
b.)    Name the types of reaction involved.
3.       What the decomposition reaction? Give an example of a decomposition reaction.
Explain the corrosion

1.      Write a balance equation for the following reaction:
a. Methane burns in the oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water.
b.  Sodium metal reacts with water to give sodium hydroxide and hydrogen.
a.      Write the equation for the reaction which takes place.
b.      Name the types of reaction involved.
a.      Write the equation
b.      Name the type of reaction involved.
4.      What is a redox reaction? Explain with an example.

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