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Chapter : 15 PROBABILITY

Theory of probability deals with measurement of uncertainty of the occurrence of same event or incident in terms of percentage or ratio.

(i) Sample Space : Set of possible out comes.
(ii) Trial : Trial is an action which results in one of several outcomes.
(iii) An experiment : An experiment is any kind of activity such as throwing a die, tossing a coin, drawing a card. outcome of an experiment. The different possibilities which can occur during an experiment.
e.g. on throwing a dice, 1 dot, 2 dots, 3 dots, 4 dots, 5 dots, 6 dots can occur.
(iv) An event : getting a ‘six’, in a throw of dice, getting a head, in a toss of a coin.
(v) A random experiment : Whenever we do some experiment at once.
(vi) Equally likely outcomes : there are equal uncertainty in getting 1 dot, 2 dots, 3 dots, 4 dots, 5 dots, 6 dots when we throw a single dice.
(vii) Probability of an event A: Written as P(A) in a random experiment and is defined as -

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